to circumstances beyond my control I am master of my fate and captain of my
soul - Ashleight Brilliant
at this very moment, what is your like? Do you have a life plan, or are you,
like most of us, simply flying by the seat of your pants? Time waits for no man
– or woman. Figure out what is truly important in your life. It is the first
step towards taking charge.
To Do.
Choose a focus for your introspection.
ones include goals, career, money, family, spirituality, and love.
Set some time aside for yourself.
up earlier or later than your family, or find a quiet space where you can sit
and think. Some people think better while doing some other simple task (such as
laundry) or while walking. Find out what works for you.
Take stock.
is your life all about? What is your purpose in it? What are you good at? What
could you improve?
Be objective.
and assessment can be a very emotional matter, but try to be detached.
have you accomplished. Why did you do it? What would you like to accomplish?
What bothers you? Why does it bother you? What do you like about yourself?
Keep things in perspective.
you haven’t won your Nobel Peace Prize yet. Neither have most of the rest of
us. You’re only human and nobody, including yourself, should expect perfection
of you.
Write things down.
something in words helps you to be specific. You can write in whatever way you
feel comfortable expressing yourself, be it lists, notes, cartoons, drawings,
or maps. If you’re not a write, consider talking into a tape recorder or recording your thoughts some other way.
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