Being In Love With Some One You'll Never Meet ,Part#3

"Being In Love With Some One You'll Never Meet" part#3
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Take it down as experience.

If you let the situation consume you then you will never get over the person. Take it down as experience and it'll let you know that, not only was everything not lost and that it was actually a worthy venture, but also that there is a life after this person. Whether you've learned that you can be loved, that your personality is relationship-worthy or that long-distance relationships are just plain hard sometimes, the important thing is to not let the whole situation be a wasted experience.

~Talk all your fears and thoughts out with someone you can trust to give you good, sound advice.
 Discuss your feelings with someone who can tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear. Whatever you do, do not send or communicate your fears and thoughts to the person you broke up with, since this will only prolong the process of healing from the breakup. It may lead to you resenting them, loving them again, or feeling hopeless.

~Refrain from falling into a similar situation again.
 Do not fool yourself into starting another relationship with someone else on the Internet. Lingering feelings from the last relationship will likely skew your perspective of the new one, hurting your chances of the new relationship succeeding. Initiating a new Internet or long-distance relationship will only hurt you more in the long-run. Avoid flirting or even thinking romantically about people online. If necessary, stop using the Internet for a while to prevent opportunities for falling into a similarly difficult relationship; you deserve better than that.
~Get back out into the real world with physical, real-life relationships. In cases like this, there is no better saying than "There are plenty of fish in the sea". You already know someone could love you; aren't you excited that someone similar could be in your country, city, or even suburb? There are so many experiences and relationships to have that you shouldn't feel a need to focus all of your energy and attention on someone whom you probably won't ever meet in person. Think of the good times you can have together without the added pressures of first finding a way to meet each other. So go out with your friends, pick up a hobby and work on yourself. Remember, a confident, happy person doing what they enjoy is someone desirable, so when that special person comes along, you'll have forgotten all about the problems from your previous relationship.


  • Consider seeking counseling to help you get through this period in your life. Getting over someone you loved is no easy feat; internet and long-distance relationships hurt just as much as real-life ones. No matter what people say, they are still real to you and it may take a professional's help for you to get through this tough time.
  • Remember to keep busy. Nothing will prevent you from feeling down and depressed more than keeping your mind occupied. Whether it's going for a walk, doing some art, or talking with friends, make sure you're thinking about something else if you're having a particularly hard day.


  • Always make sure you know a person well before meeting him/her. If you do decide to meet, arrange to meet in a public place, and bring someone else with you if you can. People are not always who they say they are.
  • You should seek professional help if you have frequent thoughts of suicide.
  • Remember that loving an online person, is more of loving your own imagination of the online person with the data that has been fed to your mind. The reality may be entirely different. The grass always appears greener on the other side of the hill
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