Don’t laugh at other peoples mistakes and don’t point out their faults too harshly. It’s okay to joke, of course, but use your common sense; think about what you’re about to say, and consider the fact that just because you may not be offended by a certain comment, others could be.
• Remember using vulgar language won’t make a very good impression
• Bad language, gossiping, whining, selfishness and greediness don’t mix with being nice.
• Always remember the Golden Rule: treat other the way you want to treated. And respect them for who they are don’t change them. Even though some people may not be nice to you at first, they will come around eventually.
• hold the door open for someone who is approaching the door the same time you are. Allow them to go in ahead of you. Do the same if you are leaving a store, hold the door open wide, and allow whoever is leaving to leave before you.
• If you’re still attending school you must make sure to steer clear of drama and gossip. If someone decides to randomly gossip to you, “hey did you hear what sue said about Mary?”, simply walk away. Its really that easy.
• if you get annoyed by someone try to remember they’re probably unaware that they are being annoying. Keep positive. Warnings
• remember to stand up for others, and do not gossip about them.
• You may have heard that “it doesn’t matter what someone looks like, but it’s what’s on the inside that counts”. This is partially true, but you only have one chance at meeting someone. If you are barbarous the first time, that is how you’ll be knpwn. If you are friendly the fist impression, people will know you as nice and sincere.
• While being nice, do not be a total pushover. Compromise is good, but expect to be treated fairly. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what is right and do not hesitate to defend someone. If you find that you’re being considerate of someone’s time but they are not being considerate of yours, bow out as respectfully as you can and make yourself scarce.
• Learn how to gently and subtly let someone know that you’re just being nice, which by they way is not the easiest thing do, but it will prevent a lot of miscommunication. Do not go over the top with being nice because people will think that you are only doing it for yourself. Also be careful smiling or saving Hi to someone who you have a bad background with…. It can backfire and they may think your being sly and they may reply with a not very nice comment.