Strengthen Your Relationship
So you have been thinking about love lately, you watch scenes in love movles and tear up, thinking “when am I going to have that?” well everyone is looking for this and here are some pretty good sure fire ways to be deeply close to a man.
The Most Important To do :
take good care of yourself.
Love yourself. Do not cut yourself. Eat healthy foods, take care of your skin, get used to being emotionally honest with yourself first and foremost.
Talk openly and honestly with your man, and expect no less than a kind, nonjudgmental listening ear.
Your should be able to talk to him about things you would only be able to tell your best friend otherwise. The things you’re not even sure about yet you talk to him about because you love and trust him.
After he is able to do the same with you, and even if he is a macho man, he can break down and cry if say his mother died in YOUR arms as well.
And do not make fun of him or put him down for showing his feelings. (although, if you’re with a whiner, be careful. It’s not love if you are the only one giving your time and effort it is unfair and you need to have equal support in each other. He just has whining issues because he feels insecure about something and you should to TALK to him about it).
Talk about your parenting styles if you want to have children.
Make love after a long day, talk openly about new sexual adventures you want to embark on, what kinds of new lubes or outfits you want to try.
Do nice things for each other, like make dinner or give a message.
Make love after a long day, talk openly about new sexual adventures you want to embark on, what kinds of new lubes or outfits you want to try.
Believe in the depths of your soul that you and this person could grow old together, that your bond can withstand losing your sexual potency, make sure your bond is spiritual as well, because the spirit never dies.
Consider the saying “every generalization is false, including this one” by Mark Twain. Everybody loves differently,
these are just some guidelines.
Honesty is the key to everything.
Stay honest with him so you guys have trust.
Love takes time, no matter how good the initial compatibility is.