- He Uses Your name often often when he speak to someone else.he want to more know about you,and makes him fell good to say your name.
- He tends to brush up against or touch you.those little innocent brushes are not in the hallway ar light touches on the soulder at your desk by accident.they are ways of being closer to you and are a prelude to more intimate physical contact.
- He ignores them at odd times.if he is unsure of how you fell about him,he can actually try to ignore you at certain times.he may be nervous about what they say,or he might be affraid that you catch a glimpse of his eyes,how he really feels about you.
- you're good friends,but he avoids it,about his love life.if you two are friends,but he wants more,he can avoid striking you about it out or he may omit important details.this is a classic sign that he's trying to protect your feeling and also that he does not try to hinder the possibility of you in the future.
- He tends to ignore other women when you are there,for example,if there are three attractive women in the room and he will give you by far the most attention ,which is a big sign that he likes you.
- He Looks for your first reaction when he tells a joke,if you are in agroup situation and he says what he thinks is a joke,he will give his first eye contact after the punch line to the person on the he has an eye.
- Do you find that his friends have asked you about your love life?you can try to find out more information and then feed it back to him so that he can stay informed.
- Once you know,are pretty sure that he likes you,it is time to take action.ask a step by step plan,because they come to him for you ^_^
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Signs That He Loves You
Are You Actively Flirting with a guy you see frequenly but problems with safety,if he wants to get together?it can be frustating not knowing if he was feeling the way yo do it in the same way.would not it be great to be able to read his mind?while that may not be possible,there are a number of telltale signs that he was probably very interested.here are 7 of these characters:
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